讲座名称:Delivering Maternal Mental Health through Community Health Workers and Nurses: Experiences from Pakistan and China
主讲教授:Professor Atif Rahman

Atif Rahman is professor of child psychiatry at the University of Liverpool and chairs the Academic child mental health unit at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, Liverpool, United Kingdom. He is a Visiting Professor at Rawalpindi Medical University and an Advisor to the Human Development Research Foundation, Pakistan. His research has focussed on the epidemiology of maternal mental health, the impact of maternal depression on child health and development, and community-based psychosocial interventions in low-income settings including settings affected by humanitarian crises. He is an expert in developing and evaluating culturally appropriate interventions that can be delivered by non-specialists, teachers and parents under supervision of specialists to children with mental health problems. He has a particular interest in implementation strategies, including task shifting and technology, for scale-up of mental health interventions in low and middle-income countries. He works closely with the World Health Organization in evaluating and disseminating psychological interventions globally.
Atif Rahaman教授现任英国利物浦大学人口与健康研究所心理学系教授,英国皇家精神科学院院士,世卫组织制定东地中海地区心理健康区域政策的专家顾问,也是世卫组织心理健康指南制定的小组成员。其开发的围产期抑郁“Thinking Healthy Program”,2016年被世卫组织采纳为低强度心理干预系列指南的第一部,并在全球推广应用。在过去十年中,其与世卫组织密切合作,为儿童早期发展、发育障碍、抑郁和焦虑症、创伤后压力等制定类似的干预措施,领导实施了12项大型RCT研究,并与超过15个国家和地区合作,专注于扩大这些干预措施的实施和评估。目前在这一领域已发表论文200余篇,包括以第一或通讯作者在Lancet、JAMA等顶级期刊发表论文20余篇,主持研究基金项目超过2000万英镑,是这全球精神与心理健康研究的顶尖学者和领导者。 |